
Showing posts from 2018

I am human

Hello Friends! These blogs are written for the purpose to share my personal experiences that will hopefully entertain and inspire you. My intention is never to be mean, cast judgement or tell you you're doing something wrong. I've realized that I can get caught up in talking AT you versus WITH you. I need you all to know that I am WITH you, 100%. I am right there alongside you, in the muddy trenches of life doing my best to be a good human. A good mom, girlfriend, daughter, teacher...  Recently, I've noticed I get caught up in the daily grind, and I loose sight of all that is good. Overwhelming feelings of frustration about work cloud my excitement about having an amazing partner. Dealing with a pulled back muscle significantly stifles my laughter and joy. As of late, the only things on my mind are my back and my boss. What a big fat BUMMER!!  Here is where I can share an ah-ha moment. The moment when I realize that these energy vampires are stealing what I hav...

Facing Your Fears

October 2018 Facing Your Fears   We all are afraid of something.  Once upon a time there was a young woman who was deathly afraid of failing. She was so scared of not being perfect, she pretty much did nothing at all. She followed in the footsteps of those before her, not causing waves, not asking too many questions, just smiling and living on auto pilot. One time, as an 18 year old who felt like she knew better; she stood her ground, made huge waves, caused all sorts of discomfort....and it didn't turn out very well.... So, she learned to stay in line and keep quiet. Quiet was good. It got her a good husband, financial security, nice cars, adorable kitties and a puppy, and an even more adorable baby boys. She had the classic "white picket fence" life. From the outside, it was perfect. She had succeeded. The confusing part, she was unhappy. Unfulfilled. Unsatisfied. What the......? In her ripe age of thirty something, she went searching. Some sear...


  September 2018 Finding Peace in Chaos I will be honest, I started writing this as I sat on a beachfront deck on the Oregon Coast watching the sun set. It was a surprisingly beautiful day. The love of my life and one of my kiddos were on their way, and I truly felt so blessed, and at peace. It's easy in those moments, where the feeling of gratitude just flows from your heart. We all have been there, hopefully many times.  What isn't easy is to find peace when shit is hitting the fan. When you're a teacher walking the picket lines instead of being in your classroom with your students. When you're a parent of these students trying wrap your mind around what is going on. When you are sitting in traffic, waiting in a long line, going to a dreaded appointment or dealing with difficult people. You know, when you have to stand up for what you believe in and deal with conflict. I totally admit that I often find myself falling into moments where my shoulders r...


Direction I've had the topic of direction on my mind lately. Specifically, the phrase, "My True North". Now, some may wonder, what does True North even mean? Well, to me, my personal True North means being in tune to my inner compass. It means I feel confident in the direction I am going. North is often associated with up. Up is often means ascending, growing, bigger, better, enlightenment. More: love, money, happiness, joy, peace, success, harmony.... All that more-ism is our Ego, our human-ness.  My True North is a direction I move FROM not TO. When I'm not living, acting, speaking, breathing FROM My True North, I have a sense of feeling lost. Lonely. Searching. Hunting. Longing. Lacking. Living from the space of My True North feel harmonious. I'm not looking for peace or happiness; because it's right where I'm standing - it's already there, within me. It is so freakin' easy to take a wrong turn and end up loosing sight of one...

Surviving vs Thriving July 2018

July 2018 Are you surviving or thriving in your life? I talk a lot about self awareness, checking in, and observing how you're living your life. It is seriously the most valuable tool I've acquired. It is all too easy to get comfortable in your routines, continue on with the daily grind or find yourself in a place of complacency. It is the continued checking in, sometimes asking myself, "Am I in survival mode, or am I actually living my life and thriving?" that keeps me on my toes.  Here's what being a Survivor of my life has looked and felt like: First, there is always a trigger. It usually comes from work or an ex. Most often, I have no control over the situation that triggers the stress...which can cause frustration, and more stress. It's like a stress pit. I envision a dark vortex spiraling downward and the force it has to pull me in is unbelievable. It is easy to allow my frustrations about one aspect of life, reach out and grab ahold of ano...

June 2018

Time seems to be speeding by! How is it already the 4th of June? How is Cody finishing up his freshman year, prepping to be a Sophomore!? For my students at BGHS, there's still so many things I want to teach them. I was supposed to make amazing plans for my summer break. And Heathen Yoga is THIS Sunday!! Well, something I'm learning is; if you don't make time to plan and create, it may never happen. This can be applied to so many aspects of life.  Home. What is home? This question has been tumbling through my mind lately.  It's the umbrella question, leading to others like,  What do I need/want in my own home to make it feel like my sacred space? Then....ding! It's all about sacred space. THAT is what I need and want in my home. I need to feel safe. I need my home to protect me from storms. I want to have that sense of pride when I gaze into the garden or walk through a room. Ownership. Commitment. Sacrifice. Home is about comfort, peace, happines...

May 2018

Be Curious. Be Grateful.   They seem like two different ideas, unconnected. And at first glance, they absolutely are. Let me connect them; it's a powerful one.  Be grateful.  It all started with a single statement from Derek, my amazing partner in life. He said, "Why don't you just be grateful, rather than feel guilty." The backstory of this statement may sound familiar.... he bought me something awesome, and kinda unnecessary. So, being the minimizer I am, I found myself consumed with this odd negative emotion. It started as frustration, then grew to guilt. First, I don't have room to store said gift. The next thing I know, I'm thinking, I don't deserve said gift. And.... I tell him this. I tell him he can take it back.  Looking back, I shake my head at myself. I was totally rejecting his gift. His love. His thoughtfulness. Him. What an ass I was. Oops... Because he's an amazing man, he didn't get mad. He just said those powerful w...


Faith Oh dear.... it's not an April Fool's joke. I opened this blog, in draft format, and discovered the final touches I added before my weekend trip in Seattle with Cody, were gone. Like I never had those ideas, wrote all those words, or added the perfect image. Ugh.... This brings me to my original idea in the most wonderful way. After a few cuss words, I realized that when I read the small start that did save, my faith in myself was being tested. And I'll be damned if I didn't recognize it quickly, and shifted from cuss words to excitement for new ideas to share. Dude, I couldn't be more grateful that things happened the way they did. First of all, let's just ponder that thought I just said out loud. " I couldn't be more grateful that things happened the way they did. " This is a big statement. It applies to my entire life, not just this one blog. As I sat on my bed in downtown Seattle last night, I found myself gazing at the full moo...

Keep Marching

Once a writer, always a writer. I've been writing most of my life, either poetry, short stories or essays. I've written a personal growth workshop along with many motivational and inspirational blogs. There's something magical for me when I sit down with pen & paper/keyboard. A long time ago, through some nasty custody proceedings, I was told to stop writing. "What if Cody reads what you wrote?" I was so scare of being seen in a negative light that I followed this advice. I stopped writing. You know what else I stopped? Believing in myself. What. The Fuck?! It's taken me tons of work, but I understand now how I let my fear dictate my actions. My kids don't have to go searching the internet to know my values. We have conversations about life all the time. Honest, vulnerable genuine conversations! I also understand that my fear was invalid. All along, I had nothing to be afraid of. I falsely believed that I was what I heard; a bad mom, an insuf...