Keep Marching

Once a writer, always a writer. I've been writing most of my life, either poetry, short stories or essays. I've written a personal growth workshop along with many motivational and inspirational blogs. There's something magical for me when I sit down with pen & paper/keyboard. A long time ago, through some nasty custody proceedings, I was told to stop writing. "What if Cody reads what you wrote?" I was so scare of being seen in a negative light that I followed this advice. I stopped writing. You know what else I stopped? Believing in myself. What. The Fuck?!

It's taken me tons of work, but I understand now how I let my fear dictate my actions. My kids don't have to go searching the internet to know my values. We have conversations about life all the time. Honest, vulnerable genuine conversations! I also understand that my fear was invalid. All along, I had nothing to be afraid of. I falsely believed that I was what I heard; a bad mom, an insufficient provider, and many other seriously dumb things. that I've pulled my head out of the ...sand... I want to scream from the rooftops, "I AM ENOUGH!" Sure, I do things differently than some. I get called weird almost everyday at work by high school students (my son's peers). I live my life, create my home, raise my kiddo in a way that resonates so deeply in my that there's no room for other's opinions. I"m still a normal woman/mom/friend/teacher and pray every day that I don't fuck up too badly. But I"m also a woman who stands tall in what I do. If I have the courage to say it, I  mean it. If I have the balls to do it, it's because I believe in it. If I write about it, it is my passion.

Today, and each day after, look at yourself in the mirror...right into your eyes...and tell yourself, "I AM ENOUGH!". Feel free to add personalized comments, sticky notes (aka love notes) to yourself. When I do this, my life is better. Plain and simple. It's so easy, I spend the 2 minutes brushing my teeth looking in the mirror and telling myself, and the Universe, that I am enough, I am strong, I am healthy. 2 minutes of affirmations to start my day. Fuck yeah!

So my message is simple. Find your wild and crazy niche and own it. Be genuine. Be honest. Be vulnerable. Be brave. Be You. The Universe loves You, so march on my friend. I'm right alongside you, dancing to my own beat.

Where can you find me on the mat?


Sunday, March 18th at 11:30am
Heathen Feral Public House
1109 Washington St, Vancouver, WA 98660
$20 includes glow body decor, class, and a beverage.

I'll bring the glow, you bring the shine! All levels and ages are welcome. Come early to decorate your body with paint and accessories. Come GLOW with me! Stay after class for lunch and your favorite Heathen beverage with friends old and new!

RSVP using Facebook events, call/text: (360) 931-2657 or email:

Namaste and Cheers,
Krista Lee, ERYT 

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