Practicing Patience

Have you or are you currently waiting for someone or something in your life? Then you will totally relate to this...

Inspired by a silly dream I had last night, I write this to remind you all, and myself, that practicing patience is one of the hardest virtues out there. I love that it's called "practicing" patience. It give me permission to mess up and start over again. After all, that's what a practice is about....making mistakes, learning from them and then moving forward with mindfulness.

Waiting for someone to do something is like watching the weather. No matter how hard you will the clouds to pass, only Mother Nature has a say in when they will move. The more we focus our energy on the frustration we feel that the clouds aren't moving, that he/she isn't doing what we want, we allow ourselves to be consumed by negativity. And we all know that the Law of Attraction attracts like. So, how do we wait? How do we sit on the sidelines and watch the clouds linger or someone seemingly taunt us with their indecisiveness games?

We practice the most powerful tool of PATIENCE. We TRUST that the outcome is near and know that we are SUPPORTED by the Universe. The time that we spend allowing the clouds to pass gives us an opportunity to grow within ourselves. We are tested, and we might mess up (it's okay, remember?) but we can always choose to get back on the patience path.

It's truly a state of mind.  Simply remind yourself over and over that you are supported and loved, that you deserve the best in life and that have faith in yourself.  Simple, powerful, amazing affirmation right there. Post it on your bathroom mirror:

I am supported and loved. I deserve the best in life. I have faith in myself. I am safe. All is well in my world.

I have it on my mirror. Join me in loving yourself enough to know when you are holding on too tightly to an outcome. Detach yourself from the expectation of what you think should happen.  Find that amazing space at the bottom of your heart where love, patience, trust and faith are waiting for you.

May you all have a beautiful day; abundant in joy, peace, love and laughter!

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