June 2018

Time seems to be speeding by! How is it already the 4th of June? How is Cody finishing up his freshman year, prepping to be a Sophomore!? For my students at BGHS, there's still so many things I want to teach them. I was supposed to make amazing plans for my summer break. And Heathen Yoga is THIS Sunday!! Well, something I'm learning is; if you don't make time to plan and create, it may never happen. This can be applied to so many aspects of life. 


What is home? This question has been tumbling through my mind lately.  It's the umbrella question, leading to others like,  What do I need/want in my own home to make it feel like my sacred space? Then....ding! It's all about sacred space. THAT is what I need and want in my home. I need to feel safe. I need my home to protect me from storms. I want to have that sense of pride when I gaze into the garden or walk through a room. Ownership. Commitment. Sacrifice. Home is about comfort, peace, happiness, warmth, and love. It is also about hard work, sometimes literally blood, sweat and tears. 

Creating a home out of a house is not an easy task. To strip the walls of years of loneliness, and paint them with love... To scrub the stain of neglect, and polish with pride... To sweep up those cobwebs, to find sparkle and shine... To declutter, organize, simplify and combine belongings of two lives, all in the name of love... To pull weeds, throw out the trash, to set boundaries, to tear down wall and build new routines... THAT, my friends, is NOT easy. But, that's what I did 4 years ago when I moved in with Derek; and I work hard every day to create that sacred space within this house. Most days I feel successful and I am at peace. But there are some days; when the fact that the family business's office is in the backyard and dad 'comes to work' with his 5 dogs and coworker/friend of Derek's saunters in to check if he got any mail while I'm trying to practice yoga or do my Insanity workout. Those moments are when I loose my shit. I feel violated. Invaded. I don't feel as if my home is my sacred space. I feel like Cinderella....because working on sprinklers all day = muddy shoes. 

Now, I know some of you out there may wonder.... "is she happy? Oh dear...." Rest assured, most days I am quite at peace in my home. I look out at all the flowers, the edged grass, gaze at the turquoise fireplace and take notice of splashes of zen all over the house. When I have weak moments, where usually there's something else bothering me so I ride whatever trigger train that passes my way and pitch a fit. Because I'm human. And a woman. And a mom. 

I must add, please do not feel like you're lacking if you do not have the burning need like I do have such a home. Some are totally fine with a roof over their heads, white walls and a toilet. Please know that this is not intended to tell anyone they are wrong for needing/wanting (or NOT needing/wanting) certain things in their house/apartment/trailer/boat/etc. My intention is to invite you to explore what is happening in your life and evaluate whether or not it is what makes you happy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with stepping back, scanning your living space (or any aspect of life) and taking note of what needs attention and what is going well. For god's sake, NOTICE THE THINGS THAT ARE GOING WELL!!! Start there! Always start with GRATITUDE!! If your favorite room is your bedroom, ask yourself, why? What is it about that room that makes you feel at home, at peace, all warm and fuzzy? If you find yourself staring at a piece of wall art and wishing you accidentally on purpose knocked off the wall, then take it down. Find something that brings you joy. Gaze out the window. Can you find something that makes your heart smile? If not create it. Buy some flowers, maybe a little yard Buddah.  

The point, as always, is to be inspired to create your best life. There are too many out there that just accept things as they are and push forward. Finding happiness IS about accepting things we cannot change, but moreover, it's about grabbing life my the dust bunnies and making changes when we can, however big or small. Change is scary, but worth it. 

Krista Lee

Where can you find me?

Sunday, June 10th at 11:30am at Heathen Feral Public House
Heathen Yoga $20/student for class + beer

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