Surviving vs Thriving July 2018

July 2018

Are you surviving or thriving in your life?

I talk a lot about self awareness, checking in, and observing how you're living your life. It is seriously the most valuable tool I've acquired. It is all too easy to get comfortable in your routines, continue on with the daily grind or find yourself in a place of complacency. It is the continued checking in, sometimes asking myself, "Am I in survival mode, or am I actually living my life and thriving?" that keeps me on my toes. 

Here's what being a Survivor of my life has looked and felt like:
First, there is always a trigger. It usually comes from work or an ex. Most often, I have no control over the situation that triggers the stress...which can cause frustration, and more stress. It's like a stress pit. I envision a dark vortex spiraling downward and the force it has to pull me in is unbelievable. It is easy to allow my frustrations about one aspect of life, reach out and grab ahold of another. It will find the negativity, and shine a light on it. Ultimately, it's a light that only brings me darkness as I travel deeper into that vortex. I wake up and go through the motions of my adult responsibilities, but I'm not present. I am not enjoying my life. I am super irritable. I host the biggest pity party for myself. I eat crap food. I punish myself with crazy workouts. I struggle to be spontaneous or do anything fun. Because, like blog #1 of 2018 said, I'm not worthy.  Thank goodness between my self assessments and my family/friends who love me, I don't stay there for long. As of late, I notice I spend less time there, falling into the pit of despair. Getting out of the pit, climbing out of the vortex and moving towards the light of thriving is a life's practice as well. 

The transition from darkness to light isn't always pretty. Much of the time it involves tears, snot, sometimes yelling, more tears, long baths, deep breaths, hugs and love. Lots and lots of love. Love coming in from all directions and love coming from WITHIN, making all the difference. In this phrase, your tribe is more important than ever!  It's these people who love you when your falling into the vortex. They still love you when you scream back at them that you don't believe them when they say "I love you'. They pull you in tight, let you cry, lift your chin for you when you can't, and nudge you forward to the light. I am blessed with an amazing tribe.

And now, Thriving in my life looks and feels like this:
I feel a sense of contentment, safety and a little flow of joy trickling through my veins. Because I feel safe, I am open to wild, fun adventures where there are no plans. I find myself thanking the Universe for what I have at 11:11, instead of wishing for what I don't. I'm fearless and confident. I listen when others are talking, because my mind isn't attending a pity party. There's this sense of light around me. Dare I say, I glow. I'm curious. I want to explore, overturn rocks and see what happens when I do/say _____.  I take risks, like telling others how I feel and having difficult conversations, because I trust where my heart is. I dabble in the magical balance of strength and grace. I do more yoga. I sit cross-legged in my hammock, eat my lunch and write. (Yep, totally where I am right now!)  Below is a tattoo I got on my right forearm right after my divorce. It reminds me daily to choose love. 

Wherever you are in the pendulum of life, falling or rising, know that you are not alone. As you've read, I've been there...and through my experience, I've learned so much and I continue to learn every day. I want to encourage others to dig deep, find their inner light and strength and believe in themselves for a happier, healthier life. I'm here if y'all need me.

Krista Lee 

connect with me here

Weather permitting, we will practice outside on Heathen's amazing patio!!

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