

Oh dear.... it's not an April Fool's joke. I opened this blog, in draft format, and discovered the final touches I added before my weekend trip in Seattle with Cody, were gone. Like I never had those ideas, wrote all those words, or added the perfect image. Ugh....

This brings me to my original idea in the most wonderful way. After a few cuss words, I realized that when I read the small start that did save, my faith in myself was being tested. And I'll be damned if I didn't recognize it quickly, and shifted from cuss words to excitement for new ideas to share. Dude, I couldn't be more grateful that things happened the way they did.

First of all, let's just ponder that thought I just said out loud. "I couldn't be more grateful that things happened the way they did." This is a big statement. It applies to my entire life, not just this one blog. As I sat on my bed in downtown Seattle last night, I found myself gazing at the full moon in the city skyline. I was overwhelmed with this emotion of abundance. I couldn't understand how I could feel so loved, so blessed, so full of gratitude with all the shit going on behind the scenes. But then, it hit me... I was truly living in the moment. That moment, and all those that created a day of sunshine, skateparks, big city adventures with the people I love, was genuinely enjoyed by me because my mind was there. I wasn't in the future emails that need to be written, the decisions that need to be made, or the worries of what-ifs. I allowed myself to get lost in the joy of my life.

Now.... how? How did I find this magic?

Faith. You can't see it. You can't touch it. But you sure can feel it. Having faith is key to remaining grounded in this wacky world of today. I wasn't worrying because I've learned to have faith in myself.

Let's take a look at what 'having faith in yourself' looks like. More importantly, what it feels like! When I am confident in myself, I literally feel lighter. I know that I can do any task, handle any situation, and create and inspire best when I have faith in myself.  It's taken some time, and a tribe of awesome people who love me, believe in me, and remind me constantly to stay true to me, but my faith is stronger than ever. The interesting thing is.... I've found that when I have this trust and faith in myself, every single aspect of my life benefits.

By trusting myself, it opens my heart to trusting others. It allows them into my heart space and to settle there for the long run. It's like I've let the walls crumble and those who have been loving me, despite my barriers, have found the perfect spot to make camp. My heart is so big and full of love to give, so it's easy for them to feel comfortable have faith in me. It just took me having faith in myself to open up, be vulnerable and have a pinch of bravery. What a scary, amazing, satisfying, blissful feeling.

So, I suppose you could say that I went to Seattle and unearthed magic. It was there all along, but I let it get buried under a cloak of heavy darkness, aka 'doubt'. Under that full moon in that big, beautiful city, I let go. By letting go, I was filled with magic. #amazeballs

Krista Lee

Where can you find me on the mat?

Please join me on April 15th for a powerful yoga class. 
One full of connection, movement, and laughter. 
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