Hot Mess
Ever been called a hot mess? I know I've said others were a hot mess! Honestly, I've looked in the mirror and admitted it's possible I fall into that label at times. But, what is a hot mess exactly? While the definition varies depending on how you look at it, the general consensus is that it is when a person's situation is in a state of disarray, confusion, disorganization or a mess. Whether it's the fashion statement, emotional state, or actual cleanliness of personal space...if it's in a confused, mumble jumble of chaos... IT IS A HOT MESS. In my personal life, I have been enduring a challenge that has made life kinda messy. This challenge has been the source of a lot of hurt, frustration, anger, and perspective. For years now, I have been forced to look within and evaluate myself. I went above and beyond, and evaluated every decision, every choice, every word spoken, every thought crossing my mind. What a mess. A big hot mess! Really though, we ar...