Personal Power

To be powerful... to feel strong, invincible, confident and trusting. To be powerful... to feel the state of mind in which you do not fear the unknown. To be powerful... to feel the state of mind which gives you strength to persevere, to wake up every morning despite of an ultimate life challenge. To be powerful... to choose our thoughts, words and actions wisely, knowing that we only have power over ourselves.

So, why do so many of us allow others to steal our power? Why do we allow another person, whom we usually don't even like, to come in, wreck havoc on our brilliant web of positive, uplifting, empowering structure of a belief system? I'll tell you why. I only know, because I've lived it. I am LIVING it! There are people out there who lack awareness. They are unaware how powerful their hurtful words or actions are to others. This is a "them" problem, not a "you" problem. The key word is DETACHMENT!

When we can practice detachment from others and their opinions, we protect our personal power. Now, the big questions: How do we do this? How can we detach from words that break our heart? How can we separate from others' actions that rock us to the core, which causes pain and suffering that seems to spear through our soul? Imagine your belief system in all its wonder. Acknowledge all the work you've done to create it; the sweat, tears, and countless hours that have gone into this work. Now, of course we want to protect it! It's like spending all afternoon building a Lego tower to have your little brother come in and knock it down. You fight with all you have to keep lil' bro from even coming near your castle! Your personal power is worth it. It is a constant work in progress, so keeping what you've built in tact and protected is so very important.

Be assured that if the "attack" happens in a moment of weakness - when we don't have our guard up, when we are doubting ourselves, questioning our power and we find ourselves in heap on the floor just like a toppled Lego tower - it can be reassembled. It may seem hopeless, I know, but keep in mind the FEELING you felt when you were in that powerful place of certainty, strength and trust. It's still there. It may be under a bunch of rubble, but it's there. Dig deep, breathe and get to work. Often we rebuild our foundation stronger because we've learned a valuable lesson through our destruction. So, as I always say, we grow through our challenges. Be thankful for the opportunity to be pushed past our comfort zone. We all know that's where the magic happens!

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