My BIG Lesson

What does "Acceptance" mean?

To better understand what we are all trying to accomplish when we say, "I accept things as they are...", here is my definition of the word acceptance -

ACCEPTANCE: the fine art of finding a place in your heart to acknowledge you do not agree with something/someone, and moving on with your life allowing it be as it is. Knowing that you cannot control anyone in their actions, thoughts, speech so you give them the space to be, without getting involved. Creating distance between that which does not align with your beliefs.

My BIG Lesson

This is truly one of the largest lessons I've learned in my life thus far! It involves someone who has been in my life for years. My, what power we give people when they've been around for a while.

To give you some background, most of you know I've been divorced for two and a half years now. At the time of the split, I'd just opened the yoga studio and had all this excitement and support to carry me through. Slowly, things got harder. I struggled with finding balance and harmony in life. The decision to close the studio was like another sad, but necessary event for me to move on. I have since landed an amazing teaching position at Battle Ground High School, and have been sharing my yoga at the Yoga Garden for a year now! I have found love again, taking a risk to put my heart out there. I have yet to be disappointed! My boys are thriving in life. Both are happy, healthy and full of joy while we are all together. The only thing.... There's this darkness lingering in the bushes. And you all are only getting a tiny sliver of the forest of trees.

It is now that we have led up to my lesson. ACCEPTANCE Through many difficult experiences, I have been offered the opportunity to receive this lesson. It wasn't until just a few days ago that I accepted the offer. I finally had the open mindedness to allow me to see things clearly. (I blame the moon and all her crazy energy lately!) I must, for the well being of me, my family and my friends, simply accept that there is someone out there with an unbelievable vengeance against me. They have problems that I cannot fix. They have perceptions that I cannot change. They have hate in their hearts that feeds their fire that I cannot extinguish.

Notice that I have been trying to change someone? Holy cow!! I am in utter disbelief that I have spent so much of my time spinning my wheels trying to make someone 'see' things clearly, aka the way I do. So, as I shake my head at the behavior of others, I also shake my head at myself. It is time. The lesson is screaming loud and clear it's invitation. I can now look at them and ACCEPT them. Do I like how they treat me or the ones I care about? Do I agree with their beliefs and opinions? Not even no, but HELL NO! And that is OK.

I will no longer allow anyone to be so powerful and dictate my actions. I will take the stance that this is how it is for now, and let it be. I will ignore the ridiculous behavior, accusations, and words. I will focus on what is right in front of me, and put my heart and soul into that. My life. My boys. My love. My work. Myself!

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