In the middle

    I started writing this early April 2020, and called it "In the middle of a pandemic", but I had no idea what we were really in for. It's now the beginning of June, and we are still somewhere in the middle. Just floating around in a cloud of uncertainty. It is so weird...and kinda scary. In addition, we are demanding big changes in our thinking as a nation through protests. Racism has reared its ugly head. World wide, we are struggling. We've been thrusted into change, and yet so much more needs to happen.

    In my small bubble of this world, I find myself struggling to keep a positive outlook at times. Fear settles in and camps out in the pit of my stomach. It is time for change. I can only speak to what I know, and that is minimal considering the vastness of change that I feel needs to happen to make this world a better place. A big question I ask myself, and see others asking, is "what can I do?". While I don't have the answer, I have some ideas.

    As an educator, yoga teacher, mom, partner, friend and daughter, I was heartbroken to see communities I love in so much pain that they literally burned. Yet, I am empathetic to those who are out of skills, frustrated beyond measure, and know no other way of expressing themselves. I do NOT condone destruction of property, first and foremost. But, I understand the why. My hope is that those who are hurting so badly find the resources to heal. Healing is never easy, or pretty. It is full of reflection, bitter truths, tough love and forgiveness. Most of all, it requires change. 

    Whether you're an unemployed bartender or a teacher who has taken your classes online, we all have been forced to change in some ways. Our lives have been turned upside down and shaken. No wonder we were at a breaking point. But you know what happens when we hit rock bottom? We have no where to go but up. Yet, again, how?

    Start at home. I mean, that's where we are most of the time, right? Maybe, you tweak your morning routine to support the change you want to see. Breathe with intention, journal, exercise. Be mindful of what you put into your body. You're creating awareness...and the world need a whole lotta that!  Possibly, grab a trash bag and go for a walk. Imagine when you're talking with others, you speak your truth. Admit when you don't know, ask questions, get curious and seek information. Arm yourself with knowledge. Be open to listening to other perspectives that don't align with yours. There's an awful lot of social media happening in most of our lives, remember that someone's post is not always facts. It's their take on a situation. It resonates with them, and may rub you the wrong way. Let that shit go. If we are going to change the world, it starts within you...not you changing others to think like you. Just imagine....what if we all showed a little grace to one another and gave space for opinions that are different than our own? What if we held love and respect for everyone, despite their differences?  
There would be UNITY!! 
And most importantly, vote. Let your voice be heard. 

    This isn't going to be easy. But as we know, healing is not easy or pretty. Yet, it is possible. I promise, if you put in the work, your world will change.  


With all the love I've got in me,

Krista Lee

PS. A quick explanation as to why it's important to acknowledge Black Lives Matter vs All Lives Matter:
Yes, all lives matter. Always. But right now, the focus needs to be on the Black Lives Matter because we need to collectively wrap around that community and love them extra hard. For  now, allow the focus to be there, to bring light and love to the place that needs it most. -KL

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