Slowing down

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I'm known for my funny saying in class...whether it's in school or on the mat, it seems as though there's always something ridiculous coming out of my mouth. A favorite of mine is, "Easy big dog", and the kids think that's hilarious. My, "The only way out is through" comment makes most roll their eyes at me. And of course, "Breathe" is probably in the top 3. Anyhow, since summer break is now in full swing, and I feel like I've recovered from a chaotic 2018-19 school energy is restored and my creativity is in full swing. Yeah!!

Here's the of my creative outlets, teaching yoga, takes planning. I was in such survival mode, that I did not plan ahead. So here I am, mid summer break, with no yoga classes/events on my calendar. This kinda makes me freak out. Then, I remember how crazy life has been, and tell myself what I'd tell any of you... "It's ok to do nothing, to relax." The Universe is telling me to SLOW DOWN. "Easy big dog!" I'm very aware of my deep desire to be busy, to be productive, to create and inspire. I'm also learning to be aware of my body's need to rejuvenate. 

When we slow down and listen to what our bodies tell us, we know what to do. Our inner compasses are designed to help us navigate through life. I'm guilty of ignoring the signs my compass tells me, of pushing through even though I'm tired, or of not accepting help offered when I could really use it. The message I'm hearing, and sharing, is ... 
Related imageI have permission to rest. There is nothing shameful in relaxing. Self care is not selfish. 

Wherever you are in your journey of life, I wish you all the love, peace and happiness!!

Love the life you live. Live the life you love.

Krista Lee

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