Trust. Courage. Faith
What do these three words mean to you?
This trio of words embodies the process I go through each time I make a decision. The bigger the decision, the bigger the TRUST, COURAGE & FAITH in my process. Allow me to explain.
First, you must trust that your ideas are good. You must believe that you are worthy of the goodness the idea may bring. You must believe in yourself that you are capable of coming up with brilliant ideas. This is actually pretty big.... Ever been told after you've made a choice, "What were you thinking?" That question can make us doubt our own ability to make 'good' choices. Years of external reinforcement that we should doubt our choices can cause havoc on trusting yourself. Give yourself time, loads of love and compassion when learning to trust yourself. Start small.... Trust your decisions on what to wear, what you eat or how to drive to your destination. Then it will be easier to grow bigger.... Trusting your posts on Facebook, what you say to that coworker that gives you grief, or planning a vacation. Next thing you know, you will believe in yourself so much that you confidently make any and all decisions!
Next is the good ol' lioness courage. You've envisioned the idea. You have listened to your gut, your heart and your mind. This is a GOOD idea! All you have to do is take action!! But....wait....what if someone doesn't think it's as good as I do. What if I look silly? OMG, what if I fail?! All of those doubtful questions surface when we are faced with taking action. It is completely normal...happens to me ALL the time. The fear of failing, looking silly, or being laughed at can be so powerful, it has the ability to steal your courage. It is the TRUST in your choices that pushes you into that uncomfortable space. And it is your COURAGE that gives you the strength to take the first step. Action takes courage. Plain and simple. Be brave today, and every day!
Finally, we have faith. This word and I have gone roundy-round for a long time. I have come to the conclusion that faith is believing in something I cannot physically see or touch. So, when you're standing out there on the stage of uncomfortableness...the thing that keeps you there is faith. You must have faith in yourself, your audience, and the Universe that supports you. Standing tall in your decisions, feeling faithful that everything will be just as it is supposed to be is the most powerful feeling. Personally, I have been there a few times... words can't explain it. Amazing.
TRUST. COURAGE. FAITH. May you all believe in yourselves enough to honor your personal journey. Believe with all your being that you are capable. You are smart. You have tools, or skills to make brilliant choices in life. And mostly, you are patient and compassionate with yourself each and every day. Sending love to all.
This trio of words embodies the process I go through each time I make a decision. The bigger the decision, the bigger the TRUST, COURAGE & FAITH in my process. Allow me to explain.
First, you must trust that your ideas are good. You must believe that you are worthy of the goodness the idea may bring. You must believe in yourself that you are capable of coming up with brilliant ideas. This is actually pretty big.... Ever been told after you've made a choice, "What were you thinking?" That question can make us doubt our own ability to make 'good' choices. Years of external reinforcement that we should doubt our choices can cause havoc on trusting yourself. Give yourself time, loads of love and compassion when learning to trust yourself. Start small.... Trust your decisions on what to wear, what you eat or how to drive to your destination. Then it will be easier to grow bigger.... Trusting your posts on Facebook, what you say to that coworker that gives you grief, or planning a vacation. Next thing you know, you will believe in yourself so much that you confidently make any and all decisions!
Next is the good ol' lioness courage. You've envisioned the idea. You have listened to your gut, your heart and your mind. This is a GOOD idea! All you have to do is take action!! But....wait....what if someone doesn't think it's as good as I do. What if I look silly? OMG, what if I fail?! All of those doubtful questions surface when we are faced with taking action. It is completely normal...happens to me ALL the time. The fear of failing, looking silly, or being laughed at can be so powerful, it has the ability to steal your courage. It is the TRUST in your choices that pushes you into that uncomfortable space. And it is your COURAGE that gives you the strength to take the first step. Action takes courage. Plain and simple. Be brave today, and every day!
Finally, we have faith. This word and I have gone roundy-round for a long time. I have come to the conclusion that faith is believing in something I cannot physically see or touch. So, when you're standing out there on the stage of uncomfortableness...the thing that keeps you there is faith. You must have faith in yourself, your audience, and the Universe that supports you. Standing tall in your decisions, feeling faithful that everything will be just as it is supposed to be is the most powerful feeling. Personally, I have been there a few times... words can't explain it. Amazing.
TRUST. COURAGE. FAITH. May you all believe in yourselves enough to honor your personal journey. Believe with all your being that you are capable. You are smart. You have tools, or skills to make brilliant choices in life. And mostly, you are patient and compassionate with yourself each and every day. Sending love to all.