Happy Love Day!

All you need is love
...and the word Yes!

Let's talk about love. The truest, purest, most powerful kind of love.

This is the most complicated kind of love, yet the most beneficial to the quality of our lives. Why is it so hard to love thy self? Well, I'll tell ya... I know ALL the flaws, mistakes, fears, idiosyncrasies, and ridiculousness behind this person I call Me. Wow. There's a lot. I have messed up on levels I'd rather not discuss, I snore, burp and fart, I have a weakness for a good beer, I have been divorced twice....yes, twice..., I have been known to enjoy a giant plate of nachos...all to myself, I've preached to a class full of fellow yogis to forgive & continue to struggle with the concept myself, I openly admit that I have a slight obsession with organization. I will always and forever be a work in progress. This progress means I am aware of my faults, and instead of wallowing in helplessness and repeating them... I learn from them and grow as a Spiritual Being Living This Human Life.

Ultimately, I wake up every morning expecting that there are mistakes to be made and lessons to be learned. So I can look in the mirror and say, "You frickin' rock & I love you!" before heading out the door. I have survived this far....no, I have thrived in life this far. I have 2 amazing boys, I have an absolutely phenomenal team supporting and loving me, I know what kind of romantic love makes me happy, I know what my biggest dreams are and I am in love with the life that I have created. The bad has taught me how to be strong, patient and fearless. The good just keeps flowing!

I believe I continue to be blessed because I say YES to my deepest desires. When you say Yes to that which you desire, it allows the Law of Attraction to work it's magic. You open the window of abundance. It is in my daily practice to mindfully say Yes to at least 3 things each day. It is always set in a positive tone. For example, "Yes, I will have time to work out today." or "Yes, there will be enough money in the bank." Setting the stage for what will be, and manifesting it to fit your needs, wishes, or desires is simply shifting your thoughts. Instead of being focused on what you lack and what you don't have, need or want, you state it as if it already exists, or is on its way to you. All that positive energy cannot avoid you. You've opened the window, remember? You'd better be ready to receive!

As simple as it is, you must first love yourself enough to believe you deserve greatness. Then you open your window, send out the positive vibe, and just watch the magnificence unfold. Be patient in your work. Be forgiving of yourself. Be genuine, honest and strong. Be You!

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