
Showing posts from June, 2018

Surviving vs Thriving July 2018

July 2018 Are you surviving or thriving in your life? I talk a lot about self awareness, checking in, and observing how you're living your life. It is seriously the most valuable tool I've acquired. It is all too easy to get comfortable in your routines, continue on with the daily grind or find yourself in a place of complacency. It is the continued checking in, sometimes asking myself, "Am I in survival mode, or am I actually living my life and thriving?" that keeps me on my toes.  Here's what being a Survivor of my life has looked and felt like: First, there is always a trigger. It usually comes from work or an ex. Most often, I have no control over the situation that triggers the stress...which can cause frustration, and more stress. It's like a stress pit. I envision a dark vortex spiraling downward and the force it has to pull me in is unbelievable. It is easy to allow my frustrations about one aspect of life, reach out and grab ahold of ano...

June 2018

Time seems to be speeding by! How is it already the 4th of June? How is Cody finishing up his freshman year, prepping to be a Sophomore!? For my students at BGHS, there's still so many things I want to teach them. I was supposed to make amazing plans for my summer break. And Heathen Yoga is THIS Sunday!! Well, something I'm learning is; if you don't make time to plan and create, it may never happen. This can be applied to so many aspects of life.  Home. What is home? This question has been tumbling through my mind lately.  It's the umbrella question, leading to others like,  What do I need/want in my own home to make it feel like my sacred space? Then....ding! It's all about sacred space. THAT is what I need and want in my home. I need to feel safe. I need my home to protect me from storms. I want to have that sense of pride when I gaze into the garden or walk through a room. Ownership. Commitment. Sacrifice. Home is about comfort, peace, happines...