Observation vs Paricipation

 August 2016

Observation VS Participation

I have discovered the powerful lesson of this battle recently, and I'd like to share with you. The lesson is so valuable, so life changing, so important ...it must be shared. Let me start by explaining what it means to observe instead of participate in our thinking patterns. When we have a thought, say we think about going to a party we've been invited to. What a pleasant thought! But we can get on the Thought Train to Destructive Land super easily; causing us to decline the invitation and stay home in our sweats with our cat and cheap wine. (Not that there is ANYthing wrong with kitty snuggles and a glass of wine of your choice!) Let's hop aboard and watch the journey our thoughts go on.

The moment we receive the invitation, we instantly have a gut feeling.  It may be, "Yeah, I like to party!" or "Ugh, I'll have to put a bra on." or maybe something in between.  From there our thoughts jump on this train and travel through layers and layers of experiences we've had at parties and expectations we have of future gatherings. We may accept the invite, then worry and fuss over what to wear, what to buy for a gift, who to bring for a date or worse...finding a date! The excitement of the invitation is drowned by the concerns. Instead of wearing what you feel good in, bringing whatever gift you like, and rolling in stag like a boss...we fret. And worry. And stress. So much so that we decide not to go and pout about it all night long. I'm seriously speaking from experience here, and it is very embarrassing to admit that I have these ridiculous thoughts! Jeez, Krista...right?!?!

What I am learning to do and practicing in my daily life is to notice my thoughts and my body's reaction to them. This truly is one of the most valuable tools I've ever put in my toolbox. I am starting the practice of saying to myself, "Hey, you're kinda freaking out over this. What's really going on? Breathe. Dig a little deeper. Be honest. Oh, you are having a moment of insecurity. Congratulations... You're normal. Big Breath, aaannndd move on." It sounds silly, but in an instant or two this goes through my mind now. Not so long ago it was a little more like, "OH MY GOD! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED TO ME!! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO DESERVE THIS?! DO I KNOW A HITMAN?" I am seriously giggling at myself right now. I shit you not, this really happens to me. 

So, instead of riding the Thought Train to Destructive Land, notice when you start OMGing, and see if you can hop onto a healthier, more compassionate Train to Love Land. Your life will love you for it!

Krista Lee

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