On Another Journey

Wow...It's been an amazing journey to this point. I look back to all the memories, all the inspiring souls that have crossed my path and shake my head in disbelief. I am so very grateful.

Life isn't about the things we obtain along our journey, it's about the experiences, connections, feelings and LOVE we share along the way that makes it awesome. I went from having lots of "stuff" to living very simply, and I have never felt more loved, supported or free in my life. Why? you ask... It all starts in the mind. Our thoughts create our reality. When we think positively, we live positively. When we focus our minds on the abundance we desire, we manifest it through the process called Law of Attraction.

I will admit that I have struggled with keeping my mind focused. Due to negative experiences, I fell back into old ways of thinking that spiraled downward into a dark hole of despair, victimization, lack of self worth and more ugly than I care to mention. It was a dear friend/student/mentor who asked me a very powerful question, "Krista, when are you going to start using all the tools that are in your tool belt?" Having watched this person grow and blossom into an amazing individual over the years, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Ouch..., but then it dawned on me. She was right. I had been shaken back to consciousness from a bad dream. I will always have a deep gratitude for this Sparking Smiling Light that threw a stick into my spiral of doom, who awakened me from my darkness.

So the journey begins....again! I invite you to join me along the way as we live, discover, grow, cry, laugh and love together. The bonds that have been built so far are stronger than any tangible object. Lets stay connected through the amazing gift of technology, meet for lunch, have parties, practice yoga together, and know in our hearts that we are connected, loved and supported by one another.

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