Balancing Act

There is something to be said for those rare moments when we feel complete balance and equanimity in life. These moments last literally just seconds at times, but they are beautiful. We all are constantly trying to keep the balance between work, family, home, friends, ourselves, etc. Some days it feels like we are being pulled in a hundred different directions, while others seem like there's no direction in life at all.

Please know that you are never alone in the adventure. Every single one of us struggles with this challenge. It is a wonderful thing to be awake in life to see when you are "out of whack" or "feeling wonky". Tuning into your feelings about what is going on in your journey gives you direct feedback from your higher power, whoever/whatever that is. Taking just a couple seconds to notice your breathing, pulse, tingles, belly flops, etc. will tell you if you're on the right path. When you need clarification, just ask. It will come to you.

You know the old sayings... "If it feels right, do it!" There you go.

Creating balance in our lives is never easy, but it is necessary. Find peace in the chaos, beauty in all things, love in everyone you meet and joy in every adventure you take.

Enjoy your beautiful, crazy, amazing life!

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