
Almost overnight, the season has changed. Mother Nature is transforming here in the Pacific Northwest, into a wondrous display of vibrant oranges, gold, reds and browns. It truly is magical to be outside, along the Lewis River, watching the leaves fall, the squirrels scurry, and the trees evolve right before your eyes. I was enlightened at the power of transformation during an intense, sweaty run. I was so in tuned to my body, I could feel the muscles flex and relax, the beads of sweat form and release on my skin, my heart pound, and my lungs expand. I went from a good hair and makeup day to a dripping hot mess in less than 30 minutes!

So the word transformation was stuck in my head. I thought of how many things in our world transform and evolve on a daily basis. Slightly mind-blowing, honestly. As big as the Universe is, evolving over billions of years, transforming dust into planets, gas into stars, particles to life.... to as small as the skin on our face transforming to new skin cells, maybe a freckle, possibly a wrinkle. All things around us change, even the things we cannot see. Stop and think for a moment about how you feel. Did you feel the same way yesterday? A month ago? A year ago? Probably not. Our inner being is constantly growing, learning and evolving. We transform into a more enlightened person each time we make a mistake, encounter a challenge, enjoy a victory, love someone, loose someone, and so on. We must support this evolution with love and compassion for ourselves.

Each day as you notice your own growth and transformation, I invite you to be mindful in your choices of what you allow into your life. Everything we see, hear, smell, taste, and feel effects either the development or destruction of our being.

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