I'm known for my funny saying in class...whether it's in school or on the mat, it seems as though there's always something ridiculous coming out of my mouth. A favorite of mine is, "Easy big dog", and the kids think that's hilarious. My, "The only way out is through" comment makes most roll their eyes at me. And of course, "Breathe" is probably in the top 3. Anyhow, since summer break is now in full swing, and I feel like I've recovered from a chaotic 2018-19 school year...my energy is restored and my creativity is in full swing. Yeah!! Here's the thing...one of my creative outlets, teaching yoga, takes planning. I was in such survival mode, that I did not plan ahead. So here I am, mid summer break, with no yoga classes/events on my calendar. This kinda makes me freak out. Then, I remember how crazy life has been, and tell myself what I'd tell any of you... "It's ok to do nothing, to relax." The Univer...
I started writing this early April 2020, and called it "In the middle of a pandemic", but I had no idea what we were really in for. It's now the beginning of June, and we are still somewhere in the middle. Just floating around in a cloud of uncertainty. It is so weird...and kinda scary. In addition, we are demanding big changes in our thinking as a nation through protests. Racism has reared its ugly head. World wide, we are struggling. We've been thrusted into change, and yet so much more needs to happen. In my small bubble of this world, I find myself struggling to keep a positive outlook at times. Fear settles in and camps out in the pit of my stomach. It is time for change. I can only speak to what I know, and that is minimal considering the vastness of change that I feel needs to happen to make this world a better place. A big question I ask myself, and see others asking, is "what can I do?". While I don't have the answer, I have some ideas. ...