Challenging Relationships

We all know that life is not always sunshine, butterflies, rainbows and unicorns. Although you can live in that lovely world often, there will be individuals and circumstances which will come into your path and try to rain on your parade. Guess what....? You can't have rainbows without a little rain! So, all those challenging people in your life are a blessing. "How can you say that?", you may ask. I can say it because I have lived it. I am living it right at this moment. Difficult situations and people will forever come and go. With them, they bring an opportunity to GROW!!! I can look at my challenges with trust in myself, faith in the Universe, and love and support from my friends and family and know that everything will be ok. Every hardship has delivered a beautiful gift of a lesson well learned. In the middle of it all, it is quite challenging to remember this positive outlook. I'll be the first to admit that one. But, once you learn this valuable tool and hook it on your tool belt, you will be able to retrieve it when it's needed. Love yourself enough to start investing in tools for your tool belt. They are truly priceless!

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