Introducing... Mr. & Mrs. Wright

Mr. & Mrs. Wright! It has been quite some time since I put some time and energy into my blog. Skimming through years of blogs took me down memory lane. What a trip!! So much has happened over the last 10 years. Some of you have been on this trip with me. To y'all, I am so grateful for the continued love and support. I have such admiration for the man who has been my rock the last 9 years, Derek. And as of 8-8-2021, I get to call him my husband. The boys are now grown, out of school with full time jobs and girlfriends. My job as 'mom' has shifted tremendously. My oldest is 23, living in Idaho and learning what he wants out of life. I love that he will call me every once in a while to talk about stuff. He's evolving into his own person...with his own opinions and beliefs. While we don't always see eye to eye, I am always proud of him. My youngest is looking at 19 years old in less than a month. Since graduation, he has lived with me 100% of the time. It...