For the love of it

02/02/2020 Welcome to February my loves! The month that plasters the word LOVE all over the place. So, of course it's what's been on my mind. Love. It's a 4 letter word. So simple, but not really. In my life, I've loved many times. I've fallen in love, out of love, loved the shit out of something, I've been loved, then unloved... for such a little word, it sure is powerful. Now that I've been around the sun enough times to have some experiences under my belt, I feel confident in saying out loud that love isn't what we're told it is. Let's use a partner as an example. As a young girl, all I wanted was to fall in love. My parents found each other when they were in middle school, and are still together!!! Try as I did, that kind of love was not meant for me. My high school sweetheart was not my destiny. As we became (very) young adults, we realized we were simply too different. I found a cute young man who reminded me of my dad. That shou...