Facing Your Fears

October 2018 Facing Your Fears We all are afraid of something. Once upon a time there was a young woman who was deathly afraid of failing. She was so scared of not being perfect, she pretty much did nothing at all. She followed in the footsteps of those before her, not causing waves, not asking too many questions, just smiling and living on auto pilot. One time, as an 18 year old who felt like she knew better; she stood her ground, made huge waves, caused all sorts of discomfort....and it didn't turn out very well.... So, she learned to stay in line and keep quiet. Quiet was good. It got her a good husband, financial security, nice cars, adorable kitties and a puppy, and an even more adorable baby boys. She had the classic "white picket fence" life. From the outside, it was perfect. She had succeeded. The confusing part, she was unhappy. Unfulfilled. Unsatisfied. What the......? In her ripe age of thirty something, she went searching. Some sear...