
September 2018 Finding Peace in Chaos I will be honest, I started writing this as I sat on a beachfront deck on the Oregon Coast watching the sun set. It was a surprisingly beautiful day. The love of my life and one of my kiddos were on their way, and I truly felt so blessed, and at peace. It's easy in those moments, where the feeling of gratitude just flows from your heart. We all have been there, hopefully many times. What isn't easy is to find peace when shit is hitting the fan. When you're a teacher walking the picket lines instead of being in your classroom with your students. When you're a parent of these students trying wrap your mind around what is going on. When you are sitting in traffic, waiting in a long line, going to a dreaded appointment or dealing with difficult people. You know, when you have to stand up for what you believe in and deal with conflict. I totally admit that I often find myself falling into moments where my shoulders r...