May 2018

Be Curious. Be Grateful. They seem like two different ideas, unconnected. And at first glance, they absolutely are. Let me connect them; it's a powerful one. Be grateful. It all started with a single statement from Derek, my amazing partner in life. He said, "Why don't you just be grateful, rather than feel guilty." The backstory of this statement may sound familiar.... he bought me something awesome, and kinda unnecessary. So, being the minimizer I am, I found myself consumed with this odd negative emotion. It started as frustration, then grew to guilt. First, I don't have room to store said gift. The next thing I know, I'm thinking, I don't deserve said gift. And.... I tell him this. I tell him he can take it back. Looking back, I shake my head at myself. I was totally rejecting his gift. His love. His thoughtfulness. Him. What an ass I was. Oops... Because he's an amazing man, he didn't get mad. He just said those powerful w...