
Showing posts from December, 2014

Shine On!

Holy cow!! I cannot believe 2014 is winding down. Honestly, I am grateful. This year has been challenging for me, both personally and professionally. As I sat in meditation the other day, it dawned on me that despite the uncomfortableness I am sitting with, I can CHOOSE to let it take over, or I can CHOOSE to keep my head up and look ahead at what is next. You all know me.... I am human, I realized that I not only let the pain and suffering sit with me, I was buying it drinks! Damn! So, what's my next step? I SHIFT my attitude. I still recognize the discomfort and it's existence, but I don't want to hang out with it anymore. I've paid my tab, moved off the stool, dusted off the negative soot and started walking toward the light. My divine light. Where I know there is love, peace, joy, safety and gratitude. I know it's there, because I built it. I've done the work, I've broke through layers of old yuck and discovered this bright, shiny, happy life that I D...